La Contemporaine
La Contemporaine
About the library

La Contemporaine is a library-museum renowned for its collections covering the history of the 20th and 21st centuries, with a focus on international relations.
The collections of La Contemporaine are unique, due to the diversity of their origins, the range of topics covered, and the variety of the types of documents that are conserved.

LC NV BATIMENT 9955 exterieur The text-based collections encompass close to 3 million documents—books, periodicals, as well as written and audiovisual archives—in several different languages. Its image-based collections represents nearly 1.5 million works of art, photographs, posters, political cartoons and objects.

Welcoming researchers from all backgrounds and nationalities, La Contemporaine serves as a center for scholarly research, while also sharing its collections with the general public through yearly exhibits..
Recent exhibits include, The USSR Checkmated. Perestroika 1985-1991; Posters in Action: When Political Writing Comes out into the Streets; From the Front. Representing the Great War; International Graphics. Collections of Political Posters from 1979 to 1990.

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Mondes contemporains
Pôle de référence national et international pour toute l'histoire européenne des 20e et 21e siècles.

Tanguy Loyzance, Les forces du GUNT, Tchad,1983 © Loyzance
Bibliothèque, centre d’archives, musée
Archives, imprimés, audiovisuels, photographies, objets, ouvrages, peintures, dessins, affiches...

Henri Valensi, Expression des Dardanelles, 1917 © ADAGP 2015
Une documentation internationale
Collections en plusieurs langues sur les pays de l'Est, Etats-Unis, Amérique latine, Europe, Moyen-Orient...

Affiche "Tierra y libertad. Organo de la FAI. ", [1936-1939].

The Museum

Site de Paris
Hôtel national des Invalides
129, rue de Grenelle, 75007 Paris

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The Library

Site de Nanterre
6, allée de l'Université
F-92001 Nanterre Cedex

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