La Contemporaine
La Contemporaine. Library, Archive and Museum of worlds of the contemporary era



From its origins La Contemporaine collects, stores and offers its readers Collections of private archives given to La Contemporaine on deposit.
Since the beginning of 1990s, the production of audiovisual archives and oral history adds to this policy.

A “Calames Database” is now available for consultation on the website site of La Contemporaine. The inventories are organized in three large categories:

  1. The inventories of personal or family archives
  2. The inventories of communities’ archive (archives produced by a legal entity: association, party or movement, institution, etc.)
  3. The inventories of collections that La Contemporaine constituted over time thanks to its various departments and by artificially combining documents, may they be in French, in foreign languages or from diverse origins, according to their themes or to their supports. For this last category, 3 big components were defined: World War 1914-1918, World War 1939-1945, Countries and continents
The digitized collections are available for consultation in the digital library of La Contemporaine.


Archives kept in La Contemporaine are freely available for consultation and subject to the laws for privacy.
In accordance with the convention signed with the donor, certain collections are however available for consultation only on dispensation, and a response time will be required.
These rules are specified, in introduction of every online inventory.

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Mondes contemporains
Pôle de référence national et international pour toute l'histoire européenne des 20e et 21e siècles.

Tanguy Loyzance, Les forces du GUNT, Tchad,1983 © Loyzance
Bibliothèque, centre d’archives, musée
Archives, imprimés, audiovisuels, photographies, objets, ouvrages, peintures, dessins, affiches...

Henri Valensi, Expression des Dardanelles, 1917 © ADAGP 2015
Une documentation internationale
Collections en plusieurs langues sur les pays de l'Est, Etats-Unis, Amérique latine, Europe, Moyen-Orient...

Affiche "Tierra y libertad. Organo de la FAI. ", [1936-1939].

The Museum

Site de Paris
Hôtel national des Invalides
129, rue de Grenelle, 75007 Paris

Horaires et accès

The Library

Site de Nanterre
6, allée de l'Université
F-92001 Nanterre Cedex

Horaires et accès
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